[MS 23 - Mschr. Niederschrift von Gesprächen zwischen Schultze-Gävernitz und Lindsey]
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posterity the drama of Marathon and be not less famous in future
history. But after a war of one year and a half Germany
has never been economically so strong and so firmly knitted
together as she is now. Her military situation has improved
during the last year in a marvellous way. She gets stronger the
longer the war goes on. The war stimulates inventions,- she
extracts now nitrates literally from the air, and if our
English cousins will give as the time to prolong the war, we
hope that the very difficult problem of artifical rubber shall
be solved andt the food for the cows, the import of which the
English have cut off, will be sapplied by organic chemistry
(Hefekulturen). 1,800000 prisoners of war are at present in Germany, most of them
applied to some productive especially agricultural work - and help us to overcome the danger of
starvation with which England threatens us.
8)          Every intelligent American, who travells now with an
open eye in Germany, will agree, that Germany can wait easily
until her opponents come in to accept a just and durable peace.
That goal can ba attained, as Germany is not a conquering
nation, but only wants freedom for her own evolution, freedom
for the smaller nations, espacially those of Eastern Europe ,
trodden down by Russian despotism,- freedom of the seas1. But
the freedom of the seas so much talked of, cannot be built
up by paper and paragraphs but by Germany's proving invulnerable
and not to be crushed by the most formidable alliance of enemies
which history has ever seen.
9)          Nobody could foretell what the conditions of the
coming peace may be, as the military situation is changing by
the lapse of time and on the whole changing in favour of Germany.
But in one point all Germans agree: the present war in its out¬
come will be a great success of pacifism, for in any case there

1    Freie Meere! ist der Titel einer politischen Flugschrift von Schulze-Gävernitz aus dem Jahr 1915.