Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
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"General Convention of the Church, Sept. 1982 deleted the words "Protestant" and "in the United States of America" from the official title of the Church, making it the Episcopal Church." ..." Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States of America; held its first and only General Council at Augusta, Ga. in 1862; remained in existence until late 1865." Quelle: LC-Auth ; LoC informiert über den Namenswechsel 1982, hat aber vereinheitlicht unter Epistopal Church
Episcopal Church (Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America) ; Protestant Episcopal Church ; Episcopal Church in the USA ; Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States ; Protestantisch-Bischöfliche Kirche der Vereinigten Staaten ; Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America ; American Episcopal Church ; Protestant Episcopal Church of the Confederate States of America ; The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America