Bibliographic Metadata
Bibliographic Metadata
- Title"Inseln im Meer des Beliebigen" : Architektur und Implementierung eines Internetportals Deutsch-jüdische Periodika
- Author
- Is part ofJahrbuch für Computerphilologie, Paderborn : Mentis, Vol. 5 (2003), page 65-94
- Published
- Document typeJournal Article
- The document is publicly available on the WWW
- Social MediaShare
- ReferenceNo Reference available
Historical newspapers and journals are invaluable sources for the studyof the past. Especially, Jewish periodicals provide a detailed impressionof the cultural development of Jewry and shed a quite different light on German history. Yet, it is tremendously difficult to obtain and to investigatethese sources: Besides ›normal‹ losses (paper destruction et cetera), a great stock of Jewish newspapers was destroyed under the Nazi regimeor are scattered all over the world – a fact, that forces a researcher to expensivestays in different libraries or archives and compels librarians toan extra burden of work. Within the funding program Scientific LibraryServices and Information Systems of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaftthe Aachen Chair of German-Jewish Literary History, the Cologne library Germania Judaica and the Town and University Library Frankfurt/Main carry out a digitization project, which already provides morethan twenty representative periodicals, containing about 300.000 imagesin the WWW. The essay emphasizes the implications and the broad range of problemsas well as their solutions in the process of digitizing periodicals. Adiscussion of the project's technological goals demonstrates the singlestrategies und procedures to publish large amounts of images, text andbibliographical data in an economic and structured way.
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